Friday, July 25, 2014

Super Dev Board? You want?

At Lapis Semiconductors, the designers are basically wanting to make everyone entertained. With its newest addition to its line of dev boards, Lapis introduces to everyone, including me I guess, the LAPIS Dev Board. To all those developers, enthusiasts, geeks, techies, and even to the newbies, this LAPIS Dev Board will surely not just give you fun, but will also educate you.
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With integrated Raspberry Pi Sockets, Debug Port, USB Port for GUI, Prototyping Area, and other features, LAPIS will bring out the best in a development board. Featuring LAPIS's latest low power micro controllers, the ML610Q111 and ML610Q112. Also, this newest dev board by LAPIS has an U8 core which is an 8 bit core the executes 1 instruction per clock cycle.
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LAPIS targets companies which manufactures LED Lighting Control with this dev board. It enables a versatile control of brightness and color while reducing design footprint which LAPIS dev board's 16bit PWM offers. Are you a company that produces LED lighting? Or a bar that has LED lighting? Or a student who wants LED lighting as a project? Well, you can just think of this as just a SUGGESTION, why not use LAPIS dev board? Is this dev board still not interests you yet? Then click me for you to find out how great this piece of innovation is. Ciao everyone, enjoy!

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